Vision and values

Vision and Values

Family is at the core of who we are – a family of God’s people and a place where families are made welcome.


Our vision is to be a church:

Loving People; Building Communities; Influencing Cultures. 


  • Loving People – As Jesus loved
  • Building Communities – Serving in Meaningful friendship together
  • Influencing Cultures – With the values and life of the Kingdom of God


We will do this as we seek to be a church that:

  • Serves the town of Kettering through growth and influence.
  • Multiplies small groups across the town and immediate locality- Corby, Market Harborough and Wellingborough.
  • Gathers people from the nations and sends them to the nations.
  • Expresses the love of God through acts of kindness and service in our communities.
  • Values the Presence of God
  • Connects into a family of Churches called Catalyst part of Newfrontiers
  • Grows in our devotion to Christ